Mars Rice Krispies Squares

These Mars Rice Krispies Squares are so good and super easy to make. And it’s not only those in grade school who can enjoy these treats. Even if you’re way past your twenties, a bite into these chewy/crispy awesomeness will take you back to the days when you were seven.

Why not get the kids to help out and have a fab family bonding time in the kitchen? They will love you more, I betcha!

Of course you can substitute the more “sinful” ingredients with the more “natural” and “healthy” ones. I am not going to.

Mars Rice Krispies Squares

You will need:

  • 7 mars bars. OMG! I use the mini, multipack ones. You only need 4 regular size bars. Feel less guilty?
  • 100g butter
  • 110g rice krispies
  • 200g chocolate bar/chocolate chips – I use a combination of both milk and dark chocolate
  • 15g vegetable shortening (or a spoon of flavourless oil)


Chop the mars bars into smaller pieces and melt them with the butter using a double boiler. You can choose to melt them in the microwave if you prefer.

Pour the melted chocolate to the rice krispies and mix until all is well coated.

Pour the mixture into a prepared pan/tin lined with parchment paper. Press it down to even the surface.

Let it cool and allow it to harden and set.

Melt the chocolate bar/chips and vegetable shortening using a double boiler and pour over the rice krispies. Refrigerate until it’s set completely, at least an hour.

Cut into squares (or bars).

Mars Rice Krispies Squares

Mars Rice Krispies Squares


Wishing all my muslim friends and families a Ramadan Al-Kareem.

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