Hot Fudge Sauce

I made this hot fudge sauce the other day to use it for my mocha almond fudge ice cream. Jamoca almond fudge ice cream from Baskin Robbins is one of my favorite ice cream flavor ever. Sadly, we only have a handful of Baskin Robbins outlets in London that it’s sometimes easier to make my own instead of having to travel to the other side of London to get my hands on some. My mocha almond fudge ice cream may not be exactly the same as Baskin Robbins’ but the good thing about homemade is, you could cater it to your taste making it perfect. For me, that would be extra almonds! Stay tuned for a post on my mocha almond fudge. Psstt: It’s so easy to make, you don’t even need an ice cream maker.

Now, back to the hot fudge sauce…

Again, this is a simple recipe: you could be licking hot fudge sauce from the back of your spoon in 15 mins. Maybe give it a few more minutes to cool. You don’t want to burn your tongue!

The hot fudge sauce I made this time was enough to use for my mocha almond fudge plus an extra jar.

You’ll need:

  • 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup double cream
  • ½ cup salted butter, cut into small cubes
  • 1 tbsp vanilla

In a small saucepan, whisk the cocoa powder, sugar and double cream until well combined. Turn the heat to medium and continue to whisk until the mixture starts to thicken.

Drop in the butter and stir until the butter has completely melted.

Making Hot Fudge Sauce

Add vanilla and stir one last time to combine.

Making Hot Fudge Sauce

That’s it.

You can use it straight away or pour into a jar for later use.

Hot Fudge Sauce

If you do keep it for later, do make sure you let it cool to room temperature before sealing the jar. And keep it refrigerated – it’ll last a long time –  or at least for as long as you don’t gobble it up in spoonful: on it’s own. Guilty.

Oh, and if you do refrigerate it, it will solidify. When you need to use it, just heat some up on the hob or by short bursts in the microwave.

Hot Fudge Sauce


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